Fon salon is growing and we only hand-pick the best of the bunch hairdressers that are committed and passionate about making YOU feel amazing.
And when you step into the salon, we want you to feel welcome and part of our tribe. We also want you to know exactly who’s standing behind the chair and looking after your hair.
So allow us to introduce you to Fon Facts – a fun little series we’ve created so you can get to know us better!
How did you begin your career in hair?
I have been on a journey studying media and performing arts at university. I was also managing a cafe and trying to find a career well suited to my personality. The artistry and creativity of hairdressing is what attracted me to pursue this career path.
What’s your hair super power?
Natural Red Head / Strawberry Blonde (in the Summer)
Claim to fame/career highlight?
Working at Fon has been a dream come true. Landing my dream job is definitely my claim to fame.
How often do you wash your hair?
I love the styles you can create with textured hair so i try to stretch it out to once a week.
What product/tool can you not live without?
I am naturally a Frizzy/Curly girl so Oi Oil by Davines is an absolute staple for me. I use my straightener nearly every day, so I would be pretty lost without that too.
Who is your style icon?
Vera Blue
What do you love most about being part of the Fon crew?
I love being a part of a supportive team that builds each other up and is encouraging of individuality.
Where can we find you when you’re not in the salon?
I love Vintage and finding unique pieces from stores or markets. You will also find me relaxing with my husband and a glass of red wine or tending to my plants.
Fave shopping destination?
I frequently hit up pre loved vintage markets
Dream celebrity client?
Bob Dylan